Metrics that Matter: A Marketing Guide to Meaningful Growth

Wisdom Godwin
3 min readMay 23, 2023

Hey there, it’s Kiki!

Remember me from our last article, where I shared insights about the importance of branding as a business owner? Well, guess what? I’ve embarked on a new adventure as an og-IDAN (In-Demand Acquisition Ninja) in the exciting world of growth marketing.

Today, I want to take you along on my journey, where I’ll share my experiences, pain points, and newfound solutions when it comes to understanding the metrics that truly drive growth.

The Temptation of Vanity Metrics:

As I dove headfirst into my role as a growth marketer, I found myself enticed by vanity metrics. Oh, those alluring numbers that make us feel accomplished and impress others! I couldn’t resist monitoring social media impressions, website page views, and even the number of messages sent on our messaging app. They gave me an instant sense of achievement, but little did I know the limitations they held.

Discovering the Power of Meaningful Metrics:

Soon enough, I realized that real growth lies in meaningful metrics that align with our business goals. It was time to shift my focus from vanity metrics to those that contribute to tangible progress.

Let me walk you through the key metrics that became my guiding light:

Primary Metrics:

Like a North Star, primary metrics shine brightly, illuminating our path to success. For me, the North Star Metric revolved around total revenue. But I also learned to embrace additional primary metrics that revealed vital insights, such as conversion rate and revenue per visitor. These metrics became the compass guiding my decision-making.

Secondary Metrics:

Secondary metrics, my trusty companions, provided valuable context and shed light on user behavior. Bounce rate, site speed, and active users became my allies in understanding the bigger picture and identifying areas for improvement. These metrics helped shape our long-term outlook.

Guardrails for Success:

Health metrics, or guardrails, played a critical role in ensuring our growth strategies didn’t harm existing features. I found solace in metrics like revenue and order value, acting as checkpoints to evaluate the impact of new tests while safeguarding our financial health.

Epiphany: Unmasking the Illusion of Vanity Metrics:

I had an epiphany along my journey — a moment of clarity where I saw vanity metrics for what they truly were. They may have made me look good on the surface, but they lacked the substance needed for real growth. These metrics misled me and prevented me from making informed decisions that would propel our company forward.

Embracing Meaningful Metrics: My Solution for Sustainable Growth:

Armed with newfound wisdom, I consciously embraced metrics that mattered. I adhered to three fundamental principles when selecting metrics:

  1. Truthfulness: I sought metrics that accurately reflected our product’s performance, avoiding inflated interpretations and embracing the reality of our progress.
  2. Reproducibility: Consistency became my mantra. I focused on consistently measurable and reproducible metrics, enabling ongoing tracking and meaningful comparisons.
  3. Decision-making value: The metrics I chose had to provide meaningful insights, empowering me to make strategic decisions that drove sustainable growth aligned with our objectives.

You don’t hack growth overnight — 3 years innit has been great.

So there you have it — my journey from business owner to growth marketer, navigating the intricate world of metrics. Through my experiences, I learned the dangers of vanity metrics and the power of meaningful ones. By embracing key metrics that align with our goals, we can unlock the true potential of our business, make informed decisions, and propel ourselves toward long-term success. Cheers to embracing growth and leaving vanity behind!



Wisdom Godwin

Experienced Brand Strategist | Visual Storyteller | Innovator. Specialized in creating captivating designs and strategic brand campaigns.